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Do you have a web or mobile app?2021-05-07T00:17:44+00:00

Yes!  Download the Erin-Y app in the Apple Store or Google Play to use on your phone, tablet or computer.  No jumping through windows.

I have a chronic condition/injury, can I still train with you?2021-04-17T21:07:04+00:00

Of course!  I will design a workout specifically for you implementing safe and effective exercises. During our first session, we will discuss all aspects regarding possible conditions, injuries and goals.  I will also do an easy assessment to help guide us in selecting the best exercises to achieve your goals.

Do you offer face-to-face workout sessions?2021-04-17T21:03:58+00:00

Yes! You can train with me in person in my private studio, located in Coral Gables, Florida.

Do you offer on-line/remote training?2021-05-06T22:33:12+00:00

Yes! You can train with me in live Zoom sessions. These training sessions can be private or group classes. If it is hard for you to commit to a fixed routine, you can train at your convenience with my recorded video workouts.

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